Valentine Day History Tradition And Meaning

Hello friends happy Valentine's Day 2024. Friends, Valentine's Day is celebrated every year on 14th February. On this day, all of you share the feeling of your love and friendship with your partner and strengthen your bond with your partner. This day is considered to be the best day to get your lost love or to propose your love. All the lovers of the world wait for this day. Everyone in love proposes their love on this day in their own way. But do you know why this day is celebrated and why this day is so important. Friends I am going to write an article about Valentine Day history tradition and meaning here with all the details about all days and date of valentine week and anti-valentine's day. So let's know a little about it. Friends, Valentine's Day is a day that started from European countries. But in today's world it is celebrated in all the countries of the world. Valentine's Day is a love day and that's why all married men and women and all partners are prefer to be stay together near with their loved ones on this day.

Valentine's Day, history, traditions, meaning, love, romance, St. Valentine, symbols, celebration

    Valentine Day History, Tradition and Meaning

    Friends it's time for Valentine's. So, first we discuss about the history and its tradition. It is good to know about a particular auspicious day, what people and why people celebrate a particular day in a particular region or all over the world. So, let's discuss about the history of Valentine day.

    Here we can learn about - 

    • Valentine Day History, Tradition and Meaning
    • Valentine's Day week list for 2024
    • Valentine’s Day Calendar 2024
    • What is Anti-Valentine's Day 
    • Anti-Valentine's Week List
    • Valentine’s Day Week Celebration in India 2024
    • Upcoming Valentine’s Day 
    • Valentine’s Day Dress Code 2024

    History, Tradition and Meaning 

    Why is Valentine's day celebrated? What is the reason for celebrating Valentine's Day? Let's get some information about it.

    So see that Valentine's day was named after a person. Whose name was valentine. You should know that the beginning of the story of this day of love was not full of love. This story is about the encounter between an evil king and a benevolent saint valentine. This day begins from the third century of Rome where there used to be a tyrannical king named Claudius. The king of Rome believed that a single and unmarried soldier can become a proper intelligence and effective soldier for the war than a married soldier because the married soldier is always worried about only one thing that if he will die, what will happen to his family after death, who will take care of his family. And because of this worry, he is not able to give his full attention in the war. Thinking of this, King Claudius announced that no soldier of his kingdom would marry and anyone who disobeyed his order would be severely punished. All the soldiers were saddened by this decision of the king and they also knew that this decision was wrong, but due to the fear of the king, no one dared to violate it and were forced to follow his order.

    But Saint Valentine of Rome did not approve of this injustice at all, so he helped the young soldiers by hiding from the king and got them married. Those soldiers who wanted to marry their girlfriend used to go to Valentine to seek help and Valentine also helped them and got them married. Similarly, Valentine had got many soldiers married secretly. But the truth cannot be hidden for long, someday it comes out in front of everyone. In the same way, one day the news about this act of Valentine also reached the ear of Claudius king. Valentine did not obey the king's order, so the king sentenced Valentine to death and he was put in jail.

    Valentine was waiting for the date of his death inside the jail and one day a jailor named Asterius came to him. The people of Rome used to say that Valentine had a divine power, using which he could get rid of diseases. Asterius had a blind daughter and he knew about the magical power possessed by Valentine , so he went to valentine and begged him to heal his daughter's eyesight with his divine power. Valentine was a noble hearted person and he used to help everyone, so he also helped the jailor and cured his blind daughter's eyes with his divine power. From that day onwards, there was a deep friendship between Valentine and Asterius's daughter and they didn't know when that friendship turned into love. Thinking that Valentine's death is about to happen to the daughter of Asterius, she was deeply shocked. And finally that day had come on February 14, the day Valentine was about to be hanged. Before his death valentine asked jailor for a pen and paper and in that paper he wrote goodbye message for jailor's daughter, at the end of the page he wrote "your Valentine", these are the words that people still remember .

    Due to this sacrifice of Valentine, February 14 was named after him and on this day all the loving people all over the world remember Valentine and share love with each other. On this day all the loving people express their love by giving flowers, gifts and chocolates to their lover and girlfriend. So this is the story of Valentine.

    So you guys from above history we have known the history of Valentine's Day which is celebrated every year on 14th February.

    Valentine's Day cards

    Valentine's Day Week List For 2024

    Here is the complete week day list for Valentine day for 2024. 

    Valentine's Week Day 2024 Full List - 7 February to 21 February all Days, Calendar and all trending updates

    The whole week of Valentine's Day is celebrate for love and romance. That's why it is also known as the festival of love. Seven days before the start of Valentine's day, the process of love starts. Now we will know about all these seven days. So let's know about these seven days one by one.

    • 7 February (Wednesday) - Rose Day
    • 8 February (Thursday) - Propose Day
    • 9 February (Friday)  - Chocolate Day
    • 10 February (Saturday) - Teddy Day
    • 11 February (Sunday) - Promise Day
    • 12 February (Monday) - Hug Day
    • 13 February (Tuesday) - Kiss Day
    • 14 February (Wednesday) - Valentine Day

    Valentine's Day week list for 2024

    Seven Days of Valentine

    Name of Day



    1 st Day Valentine

    Rose Day



    2 nd Day Valentine

    Propose Day



    3 rd Day Valentine

    Chocolate Day



    4 th Day Valentine

    Teddy Day



    5 th Day Valentine

    Promise Day



    6 th Day Valentine

    Hug Day



    7 th Day Valentine

    Kiss Day



    8 th Day Valentine

    Valentine Day



    Valentine’s Day Calendar 2024

    The below calendar shows the Days in February Valentine Week 2024.

    Valentine’s Day Week Calendar 2023















         * Rose        Day


    * Propose Day


    * Chocolate Day


    * Teddy Day


    * Promise Day


    * Hug    Day


    * Kiss    Day


    * Valentine Day
















      7 February - Rose Day  

    Rose Day is celebrated on the first day of valentine day week. If you are also making up your mind to give flowers to your favorite one on rose day, then So first you know the reason for celebrating Rose day and what is the meaning of rose flowers of different colors. Friends, in this article, I will try to give you complete information about celebrating rose day. Friends why and when rose day is celebrated in valentine day week. Rose day is celebrated in all the countries of the world on the first day of valentine day week i.e. on 7th February. On this day, people express their feelings by giving roses to their close ones. Because rose flower is considered the best way to express your feelings. Friends according to a belief During the time of Queen Victoria, people started the practice of exchanging roses to express their unsaid feelings, in which red rose is the most special, considered a symbol of love.

    Friends Roses of other colors also have different meanings. So let's know what is the meaning of rose flowers of different colors.

     Red Rose  - In general, people prefer to give red roses to their loved ones, because red roses are considered a symbol of love. That's why if you also want to show love to your loved ones or your partner, then you can also give red rose flower to your partner.

    Valentine's Day flowers

     Yellow Rose - Friends, yellow rose is considered a symbol of friendship. That's why if you want to start friendship with someone, then gift him a yellow rose.

    Valentine's Day decorations

     White Rose  - White rose is considered a symbol of peace and unity. White rose represents pure love.

    Valentine's Day quotes

      8 February - Propose Day  

    The second day of valentine's day is celebrated as propose day. If you love someone, then this day is considered the best day to propose. So if you also love someone, then you can propose your boyfriend or girlfriend on this day.

    Valentine's Day poems

      9 February - Chocolate Day  

    The third day of valentine's day is celebrated as chocolate day. On this day lover gives chocolate to their partner.

    Valentine's Day chocolate

      10 February - Teddy Day  

    The 4th day of valentine's day is celebrated in the name of Teddy day. On this day lovers use to celebrate Teddy day. On this day lovers gifts teddy to their partner.

    Valentine's Day movies

      11 February - Promise Day  

    The 5th day of valentine's day is celebrated in the name of Promise day. On this day two lovers promise each other that they will always be with each other.

    Valentine's Day traditions around the world

      12 February - Hug Day  

     The 6th day of valentine's day is celebrated in the name of Hug day. On this day two lovers hug each other.

    Valentine's Day, history, traditions, meaning, love, romance, St. Valentine, symbols, celebration, gifts, customs 3

      13 February - Kiss Day 

    Valentine's Day, history, traditions, meaning, love, romance, St. Valentine, symbols, celebration, gifts, customs 2

    The 7th day of valentine's day is celebrated in the name of Kiss day. Every lover waits for this day. On this day two lovers kiss each other.

      14 February - Valentine Day  

    Valentine's Day, history, traditions, meaning, love, romance, St. Valentine, symbols, celebration, gifts, customs

    Valentine day is celebrated on the last day of valentine week that is 14 of February. This day is a beautiful day for the person in love.

    Anti-Valentine's Day

    Do you know after Valentine's Day on February 14,  people get ready to celebrate Anti-Valentine's Week. What is anti valentine's Day ? Why people celebrate anti-valentine day? what are the anti-valentine days? So let us describe about anti valentine's day. People celebrate anti-valentine's day after end of Valentine's Day that is 15th of February. Anti- Valentine's day is also celebrate for one week which start from Slap day and end with Breakup day.

    So Anti-Valentine's Day mainly-

    • Slap Day
    • Kick Day
    • Perfume Day
    • Flirt Day 
    • Confession Day
    • Missing Day and 
    • Breakup Day 

              Lovers all around the world get excited to celebrate the Valentine's Week with their partners. Couples celebrated seven different days of Valentine's Week from Rose Day to Kiss Day with their special someone and it is end with Valentine's Day on February 14, After 14th of February people also celebrate Anti-Valentine's Week. Yes, people celebrate with great fun Anti-Valentine's Week. People celebrate Anti-Valentine's Week which start right after Valentine's Day on February 14, which is truly unrelated to love and romance. Anti-Valentine's Day begins with Slap day and end with Breakup Day. 

                So let us try to understand fun facts and the meaning behind Anti-Valentine's Week.

    Also ReadValentine Day Dress Code

    Anti-Valentine's Week List 15 to 21 February 2024

    • February 15 (Thursday) - Slap Day 
    • February 16 (Friday) - Kick Day  
    • February 17 (Saturday) - Perfume Day
    • February 18 (Sunday) - Flirt Day 
    • February 19 (Monday) - Confession Day  
    • February 20 (Tuesday) - Missing Day 
    • February 21 (Wedday) - Breakup Day  

    February 15 - Slap Day 

    Slap Day is celebrated on the first day of anti-valentine day week. Slap day begins after Valentine's Day on 15th February. This is the particular day for those people who want to slap their ex one who cheated them .  

    February 16 - Kick Day  

    The second day of Anti-Valentine's Week IS Kick day. Kick day falls on February 16. It is the perfect occasion to kick away from our life all the negativity .

    February 17 - Perfume Day

    After slap day and kick day people celebrate Perfume Day to pamper yourself

    February 18 - Flirt Day 

    Flirt Day, the fourth day of Anti-Valentine's Week, falls on February 18 .

    February 19 - Confession Day  

    Flirt Day followed by Confession Day of Anti-Valentine's Week. Confession Day is a perfect day or opportunity for you because in this particular day you can confess to your past mistake you of your life that you did not tell your mistake anyone before . So this day may be perfect day for someone's life. 

    February 20 - Missing Day  

    Missing Day is the second last day of Anti-Valentine's Week. In this particular day people always try to express their feelings of their missing one .

    February 21 - Breakup Day  

    Breakup Day is the last day of  Anti-Valentine's Week . This is the particular day and right opportunity  for the people who wants breakup from anyone and get freedom from bad relationship .

    Valentine’s Day Week Celebration in India 2024

    In India also people celebrate Valentine's Day with great joy. The Valentine’s week is not just for lovers, partners, and couples. One can also enjoy and express love and friendship to your friends. Valentine’s Day comes every year on 14th February and everyone is waiting to celebrate Valentine’s Day with their loved ones, boyfriend-girlfriend, and husband-wife. If you are also love someone deeply then you can express your love and wishes and propose him/her by giving a beautiful roses flower basically red rose . Because red roses are consider as a symbol of love.  



    So, all the days in Valentine week are special for us. As the day gently surrenders to the twilight's embrace, and candlelight dances in the gathering shadows, let us nurture the embers of love that have ignited our souls. May this enchanting Valentine's Day serve as a poignant reminder that love transcends the fleeting whispers of emotions, etching its enduring presence upon the tapestry of our lives. Love is not merely a tender touch that soothes our spirits, but a compassionate embrace that eases the weight of burdens, transforming them into stepping stones towards a brighter tomorrow. Love is the radiant glow that illuminates our world, casting away the shadows of doubt and fear, and ushering us into a realm of endless possibilities.

    As we bid farewell to this special day, let us carry the warmth of love within us, its embers ablaze with unwavering passion. May they kindle our spirits, igniting a fire that burns eternally, illuminating our paths and guiding us through the intricacies of life's journey. May our love be a beacon of hope, a sanctuary of solace, and an eternal melody that plays on in our hearts forevermore, harmonizing with the rhythm of our lives, and serenading us with its timeless beauty.


    Q 1- What are the 7 days of  anti valentine week ?

    Ans - People celebrate anti valentine week after valentine day on 14th February.  
    •         Slap Day
    •         Kick Day
    •         Perfume Day
    •         Flirt Day 
    •         Confession Day
    •         Missing Day and 
    •         Breakup Day - These are the 7 days of anti valentine week.

    Q  2 - What are some valentine traditions ?

    Ans - Gifting roses and chocolates and also valentine's card are some common tradition of valentine's              day .

    Q 3 - What are the 7 days before valentine day called ?

    Ans - Before valentine's day on 14th of February people celebrate  Rose Day,  Propose Day, Chocolate           Day, Teddy Day, Promise Day, Hug Day and  Kiss Day .

    Q 4 - What are the special days in valentine week?

    Ans - Rose Day,  Propose Day, Chocolate Day, Teddy Day, Promise Day, Hug Day, Kiss Day and                  valentine day these are the special days in valentine week.

    Q 5 - What is the flirting day ?

    Ans - Flirting day is observed after valentine day on 18th of February.

    Q 6 - What is on 12 Feb According to Valentine Week ?

    Ans - On 12th February people celebrate "Hug Day".

    Q 7 - What should I do for my first valentine ?

    Ans - You should gift something to your loved one .

    Q 8 - Is Valentine's Day for relationship ?

    Ans - Yes , Valentine's Day special for romantic relationship .

    Q 9 - What comes after Promise Day ?

    Ans - It is Hug Day .

    Q 10 - What was the original name of Valentine's Day ?

    Ans - I found in internet as  Lupercalia.

    Q 11 - Is valentine's day for just females ?

    Ans - Valentine's Day is celebrated by the lovers ( it means male and females both 

    Q 12 - Is valentine's day only for singles ?

    Ans - Valentine's Day is for friends , family relationship.

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