Computer Keyboard shortcuts| Computer GK

Computer Keyboard shortcuts| Computer GK

In this article I am going to discuss about different types keyboard key and their function and uses. 

Computer Keyboard Shortcuts  F1 to F12 - Is called Function Key which are in the upper side of a keyboard.

Computer Keyboard shortcuts| Computer GK

Below are the Function Key with their special function -

F1 - Help    ( By pressing this key " Help " window open for a particular application )

F2 - Rename    ( By the help of this key we can easily rename a file or a folder )

F3 - Search     ( Search box open to search a text or a application )

        Alt+F4 - Close or Shutdown   (  Basically Alt+F4 used for Close an application or shutdown                               the computer )

F5 - Refresh/Reload/Start Slide Show    ( This function key is generally use to Refresh the                                                                                          computer screen or Reload or refresh the site when                                                                                      you are in a Browser or it can start a Slide Show in                                                                                     presentation application )

F6 - Highlight address bar  ( By the help of this key you can easily jump to the address bar of                                                               your browser )

F7 - Spelling check  ( This key is basically use to check grammar or spelling when you work in                                                   MS Word or Power Point )

F8 - Boot  ( By pressing this key boot menu open )

F9 - (This key is basically used to refresh word document and also used to sent E-Mail in Outlook)

F10 - (Basically this key is used with shift key (Shift+F10) to display shortcut menu or Right                             click  menu as we generally open with the help of right click of computer mouse  and also                       used to  highlight Menu Bar in Word application)

F11 - Full Screen ( This key is used to view full screen mode on your browser )

F12 - Save as ( This key is used to open save as dialogue box )

Memory Unites of Computer

The smallest unite of Computer is Bit.

Each 1 or 0 in a binary number is called a bit.

                4 Bits  = 1 Nibble

        8 Bits  = 1 Byte  ( 2 Nibble is equals to 1 Byte )

1024 Bytes = 1 KB ( Kilobyte )

1024 KB    = 1 MB ( Megabyte )

1024 MB    = 1 GB ( Gigabyte )

1024 GB    = 1 TB ( Terabyte )

1024 TB    = 1 PB ( Petabyte )

1024 PB    = 1 EB ( Exabyte )

1024 EB    = 1 ZB ( Zettabyte )

1024 ZB    = 1 YB ( Yottabyte )

1024 YB    = 1 BB ( Brontobyte )

1024 BB    = 1 GB ( Geopbyte )

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