Logical Reasoning Question with Answer | Top MCQ On Logical Reasoning

Logical  Reasoning Question with Answer | Top MCQ On Logical Reasoning

There are important logical reasoning ( analogy ) question with answer given below , such as word analogy, letter analogy, number analogy and also some mixed analogy. Read the question below  properly and answer the same also see the answer provided below of each 10 question . 

Logical  Reasoning Question with Answer | Top MCQ On Logical Reasoning

Also Read : MCQ on General Knowledge ( GK )

1) Read the question and answer the following -

1) Book : Paper :: Table : ?

A. Chair

B. Wood

C. Document

D. None of the above

2) Table : Chair :: Coat : ?

A. Pant

B. Cloth

C. Tie

D. Shirt

3) Night : Evening :: Day : ?

A. Light

B. Date

C. Morning

D. Daylight

4) Water : Ice :: Milk : ?

A. Curd

B. White

C. Sweet

D. Milkman

5) Meter : Length :: Kilogram : ?

A. Weight

B. Hight

C. Management

D. Goods

6) Grass : Green :: Sky : ?

A. Red

B. Blue

C. Stars

D. Moon

7) Horse : Stable :: Lion : ?

A. Burrow

B. Cage

C. Den

D. Hole

8) Book : Pages :: Flower : ?

A. Fragrant 

B. Buds

C. Petals

D. Colorful

9) Nose : Smell :: Tongue : ?

A. Speak

B. Taste

C. Mouth

D. None of the above

10) Hospital : Doctor :: Court : ?

A. Master

B. Document

C. Advocate

D. Police

Answers : (1 to 10) 

          1) B. Wood            2) A. Pant

         3) C. Morning 4) A. Curd

         5) A. Weight    6) B. Blue

         7) C. Den         8) C. Petals

         9) B. Taste            10) C. Advocate

11) Gold : Bright :: Girl : ?

A. Boy

B. Beautiful

C. Woman

D. None of the above

12) January : June :: Monday : ?

A. Tuesday

B. Thursday

C. Friday

D. Saturday

13) Soldier : Gun :: Writer : ?

A. Book

B. Pen

C. Paper

D. Document

14) Coffee : Seeds :: Tea : ?

A. Leaves

B. Bark

C. Plants

D. Roots

15) Car : Run :: Snake : ?

A. Bite

B. Creep

C. Crawled

D. None of the above

16) India : Rupee :: Bangladesh : ?

A. Taka

B. Bhat

C. Peso

D. None of the above

17) Horse : Mare :: Brother : ?

A. Sister

B. Daughter

C. Mother

D. None of the above

18) Spoon : Cutlery :: Plate : ?

A. Cup

B. Crockery

C. Food

D. None of the above

19) Ship : Harbor :: Train : ?

A. Track

B. Platform

C. Ticket

D. Pass

20) Boxing : Ring :: Cricket : ?

A. Pitch

B. Ground

C. Land

D. None of the above

Answers : (11 to 20 )

          11) B. Beautiful       12) D. Saturday

          13) B. Pen             14) A. Leaves

          15) B. Creep             16) A. Taka

          17) A. Sister             18) B. Crockery

          19) B. Platform       20) A. Pitch

21) Light : Rays :: Sound : ? 

A. Wave

B. Velocity

C. Vibration

D. None of the above

22) Maharashtra : Mumbai :: Utter Pradesh : ?

A. Delhi

B. Bihar

C. Jharkhand

D. Lucknow

23) Lion : Roar :: Cat : ?

A. Mew

B. Coo

C. Bark

D. None of the above

24) Butter : Milk :: Wall : ?

A. Brick

B. Iron

C. Cotton

D. None of the above

25) House : Room :: World : ?

A. Nation 

B. Land

C. Solar system

D. People

26) Good : Bad :: Roof : ?

A. Door

B. Floor

C. Top

D. Sky

27) Lion : Den :: Rabbit : ?

A. Burrow

B. Hole

C. Pit

D. None of the above

28) Concave : Convex :: Cavity : ?

A. Hole

B. Mound

C. Pointed

D. None of the above

29) Grown : Garment :: Gasoline : ?

A. Oil

B. Fuel

C. Coal

D. None of the above

30) Book : Publisher :: Film : ?

A. Writer

B. Actor

C. Director

D. Producer

Answers : (21 to 30 )

         21) A. Wave          22) D. Lucknow

         23) A. Mew        24) A. Brick

         25) A. Nation       26) B. Floor

         27) A. Burrow     28) B. Mound

         29) B. Fuel           30) C. Director

31) Fox : Cunning :: Rabbit : ?

A. Clavour

B. Timid

C. Small

D. None of the above

32) Scissors : Cloth :: Razor : ?

A. Shave

B. Burn

C. Grow

D. None of the above

33) Book : Chapter :: Building : ?

A. Roof

B. Storey

C. Light

D. People

34) Carrot : Vegetable :: Pepper : ?

A. Food

B. Spice

C. Grocery

D. Salt

35) Botany : Plants :: Entomology : ?

A. Flower

B. Insects

C. Animal

D. None of the above

36) Flow : River :: Stagnant : ?

A. Pool

B. Rain 

C. Stream

D. None of the above

37) Ornithology : Birds :: Psychology : ?

A. Mind

B. Heart 

C. Population

D. None of the above

38) Camera : Lens :: Flash : ?

A. Bulb

B. Light 

C. Ray 

D. Shutter

39) Light : Darkness :: Knowledge : ?

A. Brightness

B. Ignorance

C. Study

D. None of the above

40) Spring : Summer :: ? : ?

A. Sunday : Monday

B. Tuesday : Friday

C. Sunday : Friday

D. Sunday : Today

Answers : (31 to 40 )

          31) B. Timid               32) A. Shave

          33) B. Storey              34) B. Spice

          35) B. Insects             36) A. Pool

          37) A. Mind               38) A. Bulb

          39) B. Ignorance      40) A. Sunday : Monday

41) Dog : Rabies :: Mosquito : ?

A. Death

B. Bite

C. Malaria

D. Plaque

42) Fish : Seals :: Bird : ?

A. Feather

B. Leaves

C. Fly

D. Sky

43) Fast : Hunger :: Race : ?

A. Tired

B. Strength

C. Joy 

D. Win

44) Life : Death :: Hope : ?

A. Despair

B. Pain

C. Cry

D. Weep

45) Furniture : Wood :: Jewellery : ?

A. Gold

B. Cloth

C. Beauty

D. None of the above

46) Mango : Fruit :: Potato : ?

A. Root

B. Steam

C. Leaf

D. Bud

47) Writer : Pen :: Painter : ?

A. Book

B. Canvas

C. Colour

D. None of the above

48) Antonym : Synonym :: Analysis : ?

A. Synthesis

B. Simplicity

C. Verify

D. None of the above

49) Son : Nephew :: Daughter : ?

A. Niece 

B. Brother

C. Son

D. Mother

50) Telephone : Mobil Phone :: Computer : ?

A. Television

B. Laptop

C. Wire

D. Software 

Answers : (41 to 50 )

          41) C. Malaria       42) A. Feather

          43) A. Tired          44) A. Despair

          45) A. Gold           46) B. Steam

          47) B. Canvas       48) A. Synthesis

          49) A. Niece          50) B. Laptop

 51) India : Delhi :: Australia :?

A. Canberra

B. Madrid

A. Austria

D. None of the above

52) Pear : Fruit :: Carrot : ?

A. Stem

B. Root

C. Fruit

D. Flower

53) Dog : Bark :: Horse : ?

A. Bleat

B. Neigh

C. Moo

D. Hiss

54) Dog : Bark :: Goat : ?

A. Bleat

B. Bray

C. Mew

D. Moo

55) Horse : Neigh :: Cow : ?

A. Bark

B. Moo

C. Bray

D. Howl

56) Goat : Bleat :: Pig : ?

A. Coo

B. Bark

C. Oink

D. Mew

57) Cow : Moo :: Donkey : ?

A. Bray

B. Buzz

C. Bark

D. None of the above

58) Bee : Buzz :: Snake : ?

A. Hiss

B. Bite

C. Squeak

D. None of the above

59) Frog : Croak :: Mouse : ?

A. Mew

B. Squeak

c. Oink

D. None of the above

60) Tiger : Growl :: Lion : ?

A. Bark

B. Roar

C. Neigh

D. None of the above

Answer : ( 51 to 60 )

  51) A. Canberra 

 52) B. Root

 53) B. Neigh

54) A. Bleat

 55) B. Moo

56) C. Oink

 57) A. Bray

 58) A. Hiss

 59) B. Squeak

60) B. Roar

61) Lion : Roar :: Elephant : ?

A. Bark

B. Growl

C. Trumpet

D. None of the above

62) Fuel : Engine :: Food : ?

A. Sell

B. Vegetable

C. Stomach

D. Digest

63) Grief : Weep :: Joy : ?

A. Laugh

B. Speak

C. Win 

D. None of the above

64) Cricket : Bat :: Hockey : ?

A. Ball

B. Stick

C. Stump

D. Goal

65) Bird : Wing :: Fish : ?

A. Fin 

B. Gill

C. Tail

D. Mouth

66) Coconut : Shell :: Letter : ?

A. Stamp 

B. Post

C. Envelope

D. Sent

67) Smoke : Pollution :: War : ?

A. Peace

B. Fight

C. Destruction

D. Win

68) Kerala : Kathakali :: Assam : ?

A. Bihu

B. Bhangra

C. Kathak

D. None of the above

69) Assam : Bihu :: Punjab :?

A. Bihu

B. Bhangra

C. Kathak

D. None of the above

70) Ruby : Red :: Sapphire : ?

A. Yellow

B. Blue

C. Black

D. Pink

Answer : ( 61 to 70 )

 61) C. Trumpet

 62) C. Stomach

 63) A. Laugh

 64) B. Stick

 65) A. Fin 

 66) C. Envelope

 67) C. Destruction

 68) A. Bihu

 69) B. Bhangra

 70) B. Blue

71) Nun : Convent :: Monk : ?

A. Nunnery

B. Monastery

C. Home

D. Temple

72) King : Place :: Convict :?

A. Home 

B. Hospital

C. Prison

D. Asylum

73) Save : Secure :: Protect : ?

A. Guard

B. Conserve

C. Clam

D. None of the above

74) Touch : Feel :: Greet : ?

A. Joy

B. Acknowledge

C. Good

D. Manners

75) Wine : Grape :: Whiskey : ?

A. Wheat

B. Oats

C. Mango

D. Carrot

76) Insects : Entomology :: Snakes : ?

A. Ophiology

B. Psychology

C. Agrology

D. None of the above

77) Central Nervous System : Neurons :: Kidney : ?

A. Brain

B. Nephron

C. Nose

D. Stomach

78) Elephant : Amble :: Horse : ?

A. Fly

B. Run

C. Gallop

D . None of the above

79) Nephrology : Kidney :: Ichthyology

A. Humane

B. Fish

C. Forest

D. Cloud

80) Zoology : Animal :: Virology : ?

A. Fish

B. Virus

C. Software

D. Soil

Answer : ( 71 to 80 )

 71) B. Monastery

 72) C. Prison

 73) A. Guard

 74) B. Acknowledge

 75) B. Oats

 76) A. Ophiology

 77) B. Nephron

 78) C. Gallop

 79) B. Fish

 80) B. Virus

81) Ichthyology : Fish :: Cytology : ?

A. Cell

B. Egg

C. Fruit

D. None of the above

82) Zoology : Bird :: Ornithology : ?

A. Bird

B. Fish 

C. Fruit

D. None of the above

83) Seismology : Earthquake :: Hydrology : ?

A. Water

B. Soil

C. Animal

D. Wind

84) Seismograph : Earthquake :: Ammeter : ?

A. Current

B. Force

C. Speed

D. Humidity

85) Ammeter : Current :: Odometer : ?

A. Speed

B. Hight

C. Wind

D. Temperature

86) Odometer : Speed :: Hygrometer : ?

A. Humidity

B. Hight

C. Wind

D. Temperature

87) Ammeter : Current :: Anemometer : ?

A. Humidity

B. Temperature

C. Speed of Wind

D. None of the above

88) UK : Pound :: China : ?

A. Rial

B. Taka

C. Yuan

D. Rand

89) China : Yuan :: Greece : ?

A. Rand

B. Drachma

C. Dirham

D. Rial

90) Japan : Yen :: Iran : ?

A. Rial

B. Rand

C. Repee

D. Pound

Answer : ( 81 to 90 )

 81) A. Cell

 82) A. Bird

 83) A. Water

 84) A. Current

 85) A. Speed

 86) A. Humidity

 87) C. Speed of Wind

 88) C. Yuan

 89) B. Drachma

 90) A. Rial

91) Iran : Rial :: South Africa : ?

A. Rand

B. Yuan

C. Pound

D. Rial

92) Mountain : Hill :: Tree : ?

A. Forest

B. Grass

C. Shrub

D. None of the above

93) Walk : Legs :: Taste : ?

A. Mouth

B. Tongue

C. Lip

D. None of the above

94) House : Rent :: Capital : ?

A. Money

B. State

C. Interest

D. None of the above

95) Ice : Coldness :: Earth : ?

A. Gravitation

B. Ocean

C. Forest

D. None of the above

96) Study : Knowledge :: Work : ?

A. Experiment

B. Experience

C. Health

D. None of the above

97) Silence : Noise :: Zenith : ?

A. Height

B. Nadir

C. Pinnacle

D. None of the above

98) Circle : Circumference :: Square : ?

A. Perimeter

B. Square Root

C. Area

D. None of the above

99) Hand : Elbow :: Leg : ?

A. Toe

B. Knee

C. Skin

D. None of the above

100) Garage : Mechanic :: Hospital : ?

A. Doctor

B. Medicine

C. Patient

D. None of the above

Answer : ( 91 to 100 )

 91) A. Rand

 92) C. Shrub

 93) B. Tongue

 94) C. Interest

 95) A. Gravitation

 96) B. Experience

 97) B. Nadir

 98) A. Perimeter

 99) B. Knee

 100) A. Doctor

2) Read the question and answer the following -

 1) Sport : Logo :: Nation : ?

A. Flag

B. Anthem

C. Ruler

D. Emblem

2) Garage : Car :: Hanger : ?

A. Aeroplan 

B. Train

C. Ship 

D. None of the above

3) Clock : Time :: Thermometer : ?

A. Speed

B. Temperature

C. Radiation

D. None of the above

4) Man : Biography :: Nation : ?

A. History

B. Capital

C. Politics

D. None of the above

5) Horse : Jockey :: Car : ?

A. Man

B. Chauffeur

C. People

D. None of the above

6) Doctor : Diagnosis :: Judge :?

A. Judgement

B. Court

C. Reputation

D. None of the above

7) Glucose : Carbohydrate :: Soybean : ?

A. Proteins

B. Vitamins

c. Energy

D. None of the above

8) Hermit : Solitude :: Intruder : ?

A. Thief

B. Burglar

C. Poor

D. None of the above

9) Coffee : Cup :: Tobacco : ?

A. Toxin

B. Health

C. Cheroot

D. None of the above

10) Market : Demand :: Farming : ?

A. Monsoon

B. Supply

C. Farmer

D. None of the above

Answer : ( 1 to 10 )

1) A. Flag

2) A. Aeroplan 

3) B. Temperature

4) A. History

5) B. Chauffeur

6) A. Judgement

7) A. Proteins

8) B. Burglar

9) C. Cheroot

10) A. Monsoon

11) Tuberculosis : Lungs :: Cataract : ?

A. Eye

B. Ear

C. Nose

D. Blood

12) Sorrow : Death :: Happiness : ?

A. Love

B. Birth

C. Smile

D. None of the above

13) Ship : Sea :: Camel : ?

A. Desert

B. Water

C. Land

D. None of the above

14) Ink : Pen :: Blood : ?

A. Body

B. Vein

C. Heart

D. None of the above

15) Hour : Second :: Tertiary : ?

A. Primary

B. Secondary

C. Necessary

D. None of the above

16) Parliament : Great Britain :: Congress : ?

A. China


C. Newzealand

D. None of the above

17) Explosion : Debris :: Fire : ? 

A. Flame

B. Ashes 

C. Brightness

D. Power

18) Bihar : Patna :: Assam : ?

A. Dispur

B. Tezpur

C. Guwahati

D. None of the above

19) Candle : Wax :: Paper : ?

A. Bamboo

B. Pulp

C. Wood 

D. None of the above

20) Tennis : Court :: Wrestling : ?

A. Room

B. Ring

C. Pitch

D. None of the above

Answer : ( 11 to 20 )

11) A. Eye 

12) B. Birth

13) A. Desert

14) B. Vein

15) A. Primary

16) B. USA

17) B. Ashes 

18) A. Dispur

19) B. Pulp

20) B. Ring

21) China : Beijing :: Iran : ?

A. Iraq

B. Tehran

C. Kajakisthan

D. None of the above

22) Goal : Football :: Basket : ?

A. Basketball

B. Volleyball

C. Tennis

D. None of the above

23) Bus : Passenger :: Aeroplan : ?

A. Pilot

B. Airhostess

C. Aeronaut

D. None of the above

24) Square : Line :: Circle : ?

A. Ring

B. Arc

C. Line 

D. None of the above

25) Calendar : Date :: Dictionary : ?

A. Words

B. Sentence

C. Synonyms

D. None of the above

26) King : Throne :: Rider : ?

A. Horse

B. Saddle

C. Cushion

D. None of the above

27) France : Paris :: Cuba : ? 

A. Kiwi

B. Havana

C. Holland

D. None of the above

28) When : Time :: Where : ?

A. Place

B. Whom

C. You

D. None of the above

29) India : Tiger :: Nepal : ?

A. Lion

B. Fish

C. Cow

D. Horse

30) Horse : Saddle :: Elephant : ?

A. Hump

B. Back

C. Howdah

D. None of the above

Answer : ( 21 to 30 )

21) B. Tehran

22) A. Basketball

23) C. Aeronaut

24) B. Arc

25) A. Words

26) B. Saddle

27) B. Havana

28) A. Place

29) C. Cow

30) C. Howdah

31) Potato : Stem ::  Sweet Potato : ?

A. Stem

B. Root

C. Fruit

D. None of the above

32) Ginger : Stem :: Turnip : ?

A. Stem

B. Root

C. Fruit

D. Flower

33) Snake : Reptiles :: Salamander : ?

A. Reptiles

B. Mammals

C. Amphibians

D. None of the above

34) Mouth : Palate :: Room : ?

A. Floor

B. Wall

C. Ceiling

D. None of the above

35) Retina : Eye :: Hydrogen : ?

A. Water

B. Land

C. Stomach

D. None of the above

36) Six : Hexagon :: Eight : ?

A. Pentagon

B. Octagon

C. Septagon

D. None of the above

37) Area : Hectare :: Liter :?

A. Velocity

B. Volume

C. Distance

D. None of the above

38) Frog : Tadpole :: Butterfly : ?

A. Fly

B. Caterpillar

C. Bird

D. None of the above

39) Potato : Stem :: Chilli : ?

A. Stem

B. Root

C. Fruit

D. Flower

40) Frog : Amphibians :: Crocodile : ?

A. Reptile

B. Mammals

C. Amphibians 

D. None of the above

Answer : ( 31 to 40 )

31) B. Root

32) B. Root

33) C. Amphibians

34) C. Ceiling

35) A. Water

36) B. Octagon

37) B. Volume

38) B. Caterpillar

39) C. Fruit

40) A. Reptile

41) Manipur : Imphal :: Sikkim : ?

A. Goa

B. Gangtok

C. Arunachal Pradesh

D. None of the above

42) Student : Class :: Man : ?

A. Gang

B. Family

C. Crowd

D. None of the above

43) Five : Pentagon :: Six : ?

A. Rectangle

B. Square

C. Hexagon

D. Octagon

44) Eight : Octagon :: Seven : ?

A. Hexagon

B. Octagon

c. Septagon

D. None of the above

45) Hour : Time :: Newton : ?

A. Volume

B. Mass

C. Force

D. None of the above

46) Pen : Nib :: Candle : ?

A. Light

B. Wick

C. White

D. None of the above

47) Aunty : Uncle :: Mother : ?

A. Father

B. Brother

C. Sister

D. None of the above

48) Bee : Sting :: Snake : ?

A. Sting 

B. Bite

C. Fang

D. None of the above

49) Jab : Boxing :: Googly : ?

A. Shooting

B. Volleyball

C. Cricket

D. None of the above

50) Jab : Boxing :: Kick : ?

A. Chess

B. Hockey

C. Football

D. None of the above

Answer : ( 41 to 50 )

41) B. Gangtok

42) C. Crowd

43) C. Hexagon

44) c. Septagon

45) C. Force

46) B. Wick

47) A. Father

48) C. Fang

49) C. Cricket

50) C. Football


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